Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little black sweater

We bought the cutest little black sweater for him, since he seems to be cold going outside to poo poo, he looks adorable in it, we also bought him a Mr.Orange amoeba man, he loves him.
I'm a little worried because it seems like he may have fleas? I found one flea on him, and then saw him itching and wasn't sure if it was because of his sweater or more fleas. I hope it's not from our house, or else we'll have to check Mujo the cat for them too.

On another note, I've taught him how to sit! It took forever to get him to pay attention, but I got excited when he finally plopped his fat little butt down, and now he's in his crate again for a little afternoon nap.

He does it so adorably...

"grrr, I'm a brat!"