Monday, April 27, 2009

To the BEACH!

"o hai gaiz!"

Sorry for not posting in forever, it's been a little over a month, and Chopin's done a lot of things like, his first bath, and walking outside, I feel bad for not blogging about those... :[

He's learned quite a few more tricks, but didn't seem too up for doing them when I was recording him, nevertheless, enjoy this video. (please ignore my fat legs in the end LOL, also I am sick so I sound nasaly)

but today we took him to the beach to socialize him, and have some fun.

"I am hesitant..."

Chopin was kind of scared of the other dogs (especially since they were more than twice his size) and this really energetic boxer puppy kept running up to Chopin and smacking him in the face, I don't think Chopin was too thrilled to meet other dogs after that; he kept hiding behind my legs.

We took him to walk on the seashore a bit as well, and he was terrified of the waves coming in, whenever I lured him over with treats, he'd see a wave coming and would run for dear life.

"sand is delicious! Also, look at my fat neck."

The car ride home was very quiet, Chopin was half asleep the entire time.
"I want go hooooome..."
When we brought him home he had a bath, then I gave his nails a trim and cleaned out his ears, so it's safe to say he was way exhausted. After pooping and peeing him in the yard, he plopped into his new crate and went to sleep.
"Leave me alone, I want to sleeep!!!"
Thanks for reading!


  1. lol, the little boxer started boxing with your chopin -.-

    you can never escape the family maiko...

  2. He's getting big! Still so cuuuuteee... hnnnngg..

  3. When's the next update on my favorite little Corgi? <3!!!
